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Bosphorus Music Academy

Sile, Turkey

PCP is partnering with the Bosphorus Music Academy (BMA) again in 2025! BMA annually offers a summer session in Sile Turkey, this year’s dates are Saturday, July 5 – Sunday, July 13. 

Campers are not required to attend a PCP session to participate.  However, it is possible to attend both Session 3 and/or Session 4 and still participate in the BMA!   Scroll down for a Q&A and more info. Any further questions,  please email JennyB!

lake dunsmore sunset


After several years of a successful partnership, PCP continues to partner with the Bosphorus Music Academy (BMA) in Sile, Turkey with Beste Tiknaz as the Director of both the BMA and PCP’s Session 4.

Who is eligible?  A limited number of PCP students will be invited to join, by audition only.

What are the age restrictions?  There are no age restrictions.  The average age of the BMA participant is late teens. Age 13 and below requires an accompanying parent.

Private lessons: students will receive 3 private lessons during the festival.

Chamber coachings: students will be placed in one chamber groups with other music students from around the world, all rehearsals will be coached with festival faculty, and there will be a final public performance which will also be livestreamed on Instagram.

Music is assigned in July.  One key component of the BMA is for the groups to learn their music together.

Masterclasses with international faculty: the BMA Faculty consists of top international soloists, chamber musicians, and pedagogues.

String orchestra: each student will also be involved in string orchestra providing a true cross-cultural collaboration.

Instrument Rental?  To avoid having to pay for a second airline seat, there are cello rentals available at a nominal extra fee.  We recommend you bring your own violin/viola.  Pianos are provided.

Sample Daily Schedule:    The music program starts at 9:30am-4:30pm consisting of private lessons, private practice, coached rehearsals. At 5pm there is a Master Class. After dinner at 7:30pm there is Orchestra, Chamber Music and other non-music social functions.

Sightseeing: We will spend one day sightseeing in Istanbul at the beginning of our trip.  This includes Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, Blue Mosque, Grand Bazaar and as many other attractions as possible!

Lodging?  Students will be housed in dormitory style accommodations, in Sile, approximately 1.25 hours Northeast from Istanbul on the Bosphorus.  Lodging and all meals are included in the cost of the tuition.

An e-visa is required to travel to Turkey, and can be obtained online.  Your passport should also extend 6 months minimum beyond the travel date returning to USA.

To Apply – please email the BMA Director, Beste Tiknaz :  bestetiknaz@pointcp.com  

Estimated Cost of joining the BMA is $1500 plus airfare.  Tuition includes R&B.


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The Bosphorus Music Academy Art Director, Beste Tiknaz, is also PCP Session 4’s Director of Music, pictured above. More information on Tiknaz and the other PCP faculty members can be found here.

Bosphorus Music Academy offers a variety of musical education including private-lessons, chamber group coachings, masterclasses, and more! Accepted PCP campers attending the trip abroad to Sile will be staying in dormitory style accommodations, take part in various music activities, and non-musical social events.




New Music
On The Point