Why can’t I access the application site? The application site is available from December 1st until January 22nd each year. Please check back between those dates.
Is it possible to apply as both a performer and composer? Yes it is encouraged! Even if you feel you are more advanced in one area than the other. There is an extra space in the application form for dual applicants to include additional audition materials. You only need to pay one application fee.
Can I include a chamber music piece or concerto in the audition materials if I am applying as a performer? Yes.
Do ensembles have to pay the fee for each member or one time for the group? Ensembles only pay one application fee per ensemble.
Who should apply for an ensemble? There should be one lead applicant for ensembles who is the contact person.
Can I save my application as a draft and return to it? Yes. You must “submit” on the bottom of the application form. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to return to the application. Then you can continue to edit. Once you check the “complete” box, additional edits may not be viewed by the panelists, so wait to check this box until you are sure you are finished.
Can I upload mp3s of recordings? No, please provide links to the recordings instead. This can be on youtube, soundclound, bandcamp, personal website, etc. Make sure that there is no password required to access and no downloading required.
When will I hear if I have been accepted? The first round of acceptances will be emailed during the first week of February. There is usually a waitlist.
Should I ask references to write a letter? No, just list the contact information for three references. Referees will be contacted individually by reviewers as needed.
Does the festival accommodate food sensitivities/allergies? Yes. There are vegan options at every meal and all additional food needs are accommodated.
Can I apply if I am younger than 18? Exceptions to the age criteria are made on a case-by-case basis. Please send an email to: music@newmusiconthepoint.com
Can I live off-campus? No. This is a residency program that is structured around close living quarters.
Will I have my own room? No. Housing is in shared bunk-bed cabins.
Is food provided on the weekends? Yes. Three meals a day are provided for the duration of the festival.
Is there time for hiking? Yes, there is one day off in the middle of the festival in which several group hikes are organized. Other hikes are organized throughout the festival as the scheduling allows.